
Glenn Beck Promotes Book by Antisemitic Nazi Sympathizer

Buck6/05/2010 9:15:33 pm PDT

OK, seriously…. We say “Glenn Beck heralded and promoted the work of Nazi sympathizer Elizabeth Dilling, ” and yet not one quote where he does either?

“Herald and promote”…. I don’t even this the book is for sale….

The “This is a book” quote does not promote, or herald…

Beck did a one hour show that tried to promote the idea that Nazis were the LEFT… He has NEVER said anything antisemetic that I can find. He hates anti semites, and came down square pro Israel on the whole flotilla story. He spoke like a lizard on that subject.

Help me with a quote, backed up somehow…audio, a transcript where he heralds and promotes this woman and her books.

Please…I just can’t take Media Matters word on this.