
Video: Mumdance, Don't Forget Me Now

CuriousLurker10/10/2010 6:29:55 pm PDT

re: #86 eclectic infidel

I wish you lived in the SF Bay Area. It would be *fabulous* to introduce someone who is Muslim but doesn’t have a desire to overthrow the Western hemisphere. You know. put a face on the perceived threat.

I’m always puzzled by people who think we Muslims all want to take over the world. There are certainly some who do, but most people I know are just happy to make it through the trials & tribulations of everyday existence in one piece.

I suspect that the people who see us as a looming threat probably don’t have any close relationships with Muslims.

But thank you. Initially it was intimidating to stand up to the BS, but the more anti-Muslim sentiment thrown at me, the more I felt I had to say something.

Here, have a hug for your efforts: {eclectic infidel}
It’s not much, but it’s all I can offer from this distance. ;o)