
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

Walter L. Newton1/07/2011 7:31:38 am PST

re: #85 iossarian

You should do a “Copenhagen” style treatment and put Brel, Brassens, Gainsbourg and Renaud in the same room.

You know, that’s not a bad idea at all. Up to this point, I haven’t found the “hook” I want, the thread that motivates me to write about him. He was very controversial in his time, he seemed to make a concerted effort to insult just about every cultural norm he could.

What I’m trying to see (and I’m not saying it’s not there), but what I am trying to see right now is that point where the “genius” takes over the vulgar.

If I find that for myself, then I’ve found the hook. I need the “through thought” that moves a stage piece. I’m rather conventional when writing for popular mediums, and I like the ABC style of a beginning, middle and end, with minor plot arcs invading as we move forward.

The last time I had trouble finding my motivation was when I was writing the Holocaust story about Janusz Korczak and his orphanage “A Field of Buttercups.” I had to go to Warsaw, speak to people who knew him, visited sites, learn more about Polish culture and it was at that point I found my thread(s) for my story.

I got to find that with Serge… haven’t yet. That’s why I will spend some time in Paris this month doing some research.