
Kansas Religious Fanatics Set to Enact Most Restrictive Anti-Abortion Law in US

moderatelyradicalliberal4/06/2013 3:25:04 pm PDT

re: #99 lawhawk

This isn’t just about Kansas. GOPers and SoCons who seek the overturn of Roe, are looking for a jurisdiction that they can get the law passed and upheld through the federal appellate level so that they can get this reviewed by the Supreme Court. This is all about overturning Roe. Kansas is just the means to the end.

I know what it means. I just also have come to the conclusion that a majority of Kansans know what it means and its what they want to happen. People who support abortion rights fell asleep and allowed Roe vs Wade to give a false sense of security. We are behind and the curve and need to start giving some real thought to how we will fight these people at the state level if Roe ever is overturned. As of right now the anti choice forces are kicking our asses and have been for at least ten years. They have their ducks in a row, what about ours?