
Overnight Open Thread

Pianobuff8/14/2009 8:24:31 am PDT

re: #989 MandyManners

Ah ha! I just found one from the prinicpal about his peeing in the sink at the behest of his buddies—they dared him to do it but one little darling then told on him. He thought he deleted it completely but I searched for the principal’s name and found it. Oh, I am so gonna’ choke him. I don’t know which is worse: taking that dare or deleting that e-mail. I’m pounding the keyboard now. Gonna’ do some deep breathing. Maybe pop a Valium. Both. What the fuck was he thinking? Was he thinking?

FWIW, these skills could come in handy later. In the old Yankee Stadium (not sure about the new one), by about the 3rd inning (at 1 beer per inning that’s 3 beers at least), the mens room lines would grow inordinately at the urinals, so inevitably lines started forming at the sinks as well.

Survival meant be willing and able to pee in the sink.

Downside to all of this meant that there wasn’t a lot of hand-washing going on.

Now for really bad stories, I could start talking about the men’s room facility (AKA “The Trough”) on the infield at Pocono Raceway, which is in a league of its own.