
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

1013 9:57:16 am PDT

re: #1003 garhighway

Oh, for crying out loud. Capitalists do stupid, short-term shit that causes physical or financial harm all the time. Is it deliberate, as in “I intend to push this button to blow up the rig now” kind of deliberate? Of course not. It’s just stupid, as in “I’ll cut corners on the plugging of this well and save a million dollars. Or “I’ll sell this credit default swap that I really don’t understand because then I will make my number for the quarter”. Or “I’ll speed up to make that yellow light”.

But people are people, and they do short-sighted things every day. Every single day.

Sure they do.
I’ve not said otherwise. I’ve been as hard on BP in these threads as anyone. That could have been my husband out there on that rig. I’m not at all happy with BP or the way this happened or the way they’ve handled it since.

iossarian was saying that BP’s motives were as mean-spirited and evil as those who set out to kill for the purpose of killing.

I disagree with him.