
Dawkins on the Truth of Evolution

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/17/2009 11:41:33 pm PST

re: #1014 Salamantis

I have many pages of material dedicated to that in rest of the main body. I simply do not know how to lay out the argument completely and convincingly in a series of bullet points that would not instantly be ignored. By writing in this style, I was hoping to make the key point that there is room to be a perfectly good believer and still accept scientific truths. Perhaps it is naive of me to think that some might be given pause to go “hmmmm” but if they are already that shut minded all of the science in the world will only anger them and shut their eyes anyway.

I assure you that I go into great detail about the notion of God being a liar if you take too a literal view of certain things. I go into the key points of evolution in yet another section of the main body.