
Overnight Open Thread

KansasMom8/14/2009 8:26:46 am PDT

re: #989 MandyManners

Ah ha! I just found one from the prinicpal about his peeing in the sink at the behest of his buddies—they dared him to do it but one little darling then told on him. He thought he deleted it completely but I searched for the principal’s name and found it. Oh, I am so gonna’ choke him. I don’t know which is worse: taking that dare or deleting that e-mail. I’m pounding the keyboard now. Gonna’ do some deep breathing. Maybe pop a Valium. Both. What the fuck was he thinking? Was he thinking?

I’m sorry, Mandy, but your son is a riot!
He’s ornery, but if this is the kind of trouble he gets into then he’s a pretty good kid. Ornery, but not mean-spirited.
I remember wondering what in the world was wrong with my cat…then discovering that my son had decided to pee in the litterbox. I guess they all have to experiment.