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SanFranciscoZionist5/03/2010 9:47:45 pm PDT

re: #873 ausador

They abandoned continuity for jar-jar-binks and other cutesey shit, the movies completely sucked and no one that I know denies that. Hell the minute they introduced Jar-Jar as a lead character I knew it was doomed.

The “Force” turned into how many chloro- watchjamacallits you had infesting you and hence became pointless. So the moral is that the parasites win? No? Well then I am kinda confused?

Just thank your lucky stars that they gae it up after six movies instead of the original nine that were discussed. I don’t even want to think about how silly those final three would have gotten, they would probably have had Shrek and the effing donkey giving advice to the young Jedis or something equally as stupid.

I’ve said it before, I will say it again: any planet that elects a fourteen-year-old girl as its ruler on purpose deserves whatever it gets.