
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

reason091110/11/2010 12:53:07 pm PDT

You don’t know me well enough to say that I lack compassion but I can understand why you might think that. Sometimes these ideas are counter-intuitive, but having grown up with two drug addicted parents, homeless for sometime, and a member of the community that so many people wish to help, I think I’m qualified to comment as to whether the policies intended to help, actually do. I do not believe they help. I believe my community has been stifled. The economic policies are one thing, but most despicable is the mindset that government creates in the people that it helps. It spreads a feeling of hopelessness, where it should be promoting self reliance. It tells you that you can’t when it should tell you that you can. Any one who supports the policies of big government should be ashamed that it took Ron Paul saying that I could to believe it. The government never did anything for me but make me feel like we needed it. I know longer feel that way and I believe I’ve come to an informed conclusion. I’m sorry if any of you still disagree, but I’ll ask that if you care about people, you become informed about economics, philosophy and history. That’s how you really help people. Not by just doing what feels right and hoping for the best, but by educating yourself and allowing people to find their own way, even if that causes some short term pain. That isn’t to say that I don’t expect you all to be donating to charities…to your local churches and neighborhood organizations. That’s necessary, to help mitigate the problems that we’ll all face from time to time, but I’ll tell you this much; I want my charity if I ever need it again to be voluntary and moral.