
Watch Live: Glenn Greenwald Debates Alan Dershowitz and Former CIA Head Michael Hayden

goddamnedfrank5/02/2014 5:02:49 pm PDT

re: #77 GeneJockey

The point is most GIs weren’t carrying bullet hoses. They were carrying 8-round clips. And they were fighting a WAR against a lot of really well armed, trained folks. So, what is she defending AGAINST that she needs more bullets before reloading than our fathers and grandfathers needed to win WWII?

Why do people focus on mag capacity when statistics show handguns are used in 85% or more of every category of gun crime? I care a lot less about what she thinks she’s defending against than the ability to easily sneak a weapon into crowded areas.

And the fact is that without the suppressing fire afforded by larger capacity support weapons, WWII would have been much more difficult to win. The low capacity weapons were mostly designed for long range engagements or as secondary side arms.