
GOHMERT! Gay Rights Supporters Are Just Like Nazis

EPR-radar5/09/2014 1:37:40 pm PDT

re: #95 Lidane

Oh god. Moron thinks he’s an anarcho-capitalist. I knew a few of those douchecanoes back in the Bush years. They’re all Luap Nor fanboys and worship at the Mises Institute altar.

Ask him if he loves Austrian economics. I’ll bet the answer is a yes, followed by lots and lots of words telling you it’s a coherent system of thought.

That prompted me to look at the wikipedia entry on this topic, where I found this gem:

According to Mises, deductive economic thought experiment can yield conclusions which follow irrefutably from the underlying assumptions and could not be inferred from empirical observation or statistical analysis.

Idiocy on stilts wearing clown shoes.