
A Brutally Funny New Video From Key & Peele: Negrotown

Backwoods Sleuth5/06/2015 11:37:26 am PDT

re: #87 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

So awesomesauce.

The Facebook post that warned of the vehicles is now going viral and it was posted by a Vietnam veteran, who was recently driving through Dallas, Texas when he saw the UN vehicles. The trucks were driving down I-30 and appeared to be headed towards Garland, Texas, where a terrorist attack was launched over the weekend.

This comes just days after Infowars’ own Alex Jones warned of a possible UN takeover of America. Judging from these pictures, it looks like this could be happening even sooner than expected.

The FB page is Bobby Wayne Guinn…he loves Allen West, prepper nonsense, etc. I think he’s the same one who took the scary Muslim at the fast food place a while back.
