
Breaking: The New York Times Finds Two More Women Who Say Donald Trump Kissed and Groped Them Without Consent

ObserverArt10/12/2016 5:16:26 pm PDT

AJ Delgado answers Chris Hayes statement “But Bill Clinton is not running for President” with “But he will be in the White House.”

And she is really pissed that the New York Times is trivializing sexual assault like this!

I guess hinting Bill Clinton in the White House again is not saying anything trivial about a woman being the president. The little woman will be under the control of Bill, he is like that you know…you just can’t trust him and after all, she has stuck with him, so she is weak.

Wink wink.

How do these people sleep at night? Sure, I know it is a job and it pays well and all of this is just a part of it. But it has to go to the soul…to be that dishonest, to push a slimeball as a president…for money.