
Colbert on Idiotic Rep. Matt Gaetz: Forced to Self-Quarantine on Air Force One With President Trump on Board

weststpaulbear3/10/2020 12:57:01 pm PDT

re: #80 goddamnedfrank

I feel like if this isn’t the last good market day for awhile it’s goddamned close to it. I’m out, sold everything.

I was thinking of getting out about three weeks ago and then I changed my mind. Bad move. About 40% of my 401K is in a fund that’s basically an insured savings account. With the rest of it, since I didn’t get out in time, I’m going to wait it out because even though I’ll be retired, there will be some money in there for the next 20 years and I want to try to earn something back on it. I don’t expect to get it all back, but I’m still gambling that it’ll be better than taking it out and putting it in whatever the hell is still considered to be a good investment now (my mattress?, a hand sanitizer manufacturer?). If Trump wins in 2020, I’ll go the mattress route with whatever is left.