
A Fantastic Early Snarky Puppy Track, Remixed and Remastered: "Slow Demon"

Joe Bacon ✅9/20/2020 2:17:51 pm PDT

Also in The Guardian…which you will never see in the Screw York Times…

QAnon conspiracists believe in a vast pedophile ring. The truth is sadder

Rather than confront the reality of child abuse, Trump fans have dreamed up an elaborate fiction to justify their support for a morally indefensible president

QAnon is an elaborate fiction dreamed up by Trump fans to meet the psychological needs of those who cannot allow themselves to admit what is plain as day to everyone else: that the man they voted for and support is mendacious, narcissistic, incompetent, corrupt and horrifically unfit, both morally and intellectually, for his office. He is so ostentatiously unfit to be president that the only way even his most ardent supporters can justify his position is to elevate their own denial into a baroque theology in which his opponents are Satanic pedophiles, and he is the defender of the children.