
Mickey Guyton: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Kilroy was here11/09/2020 8:48:06 pm PST

For those following Arizona’s count.

61,577 as on now need to be counted. Nearly half are in Maricopa county (29,592)
(County is running 50.4% for Biden and 48.1% for Cheeto Jesus (WP) so far.
Call it even.

Pima has the second highest number to count - 18,700
County is running 58.9% to 39.4% in favor of Biden
Call it 3,000 for Biden

Cochise has the third with only 3319 to be counted
County is running 39.9% to Biden and 58.2% to FFVCS.
+575 to Dumpy

This leaves 10k for the rest of the state with a slight advantage to the Orange Menace but no more that a 65/35 split if the numbers hold.
+3000 to the Carnival Barker

So to be “kind” give Angry Creamsicle an extra generous 1,000 votes..

Biden would win the state with just under 14k.

(your mileage may vary)