
Saturday Night Jam: Mark Lettieri, "Star Catchers"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/21/2021 6:27:46 am PDT

re: #100 Florida Panhandler

There are plenty of Candace Owens all around the world in every country and every locale.

They are all ready to sell out anyone necessary to advance their own social position and enrich themselves at the direct expense of others considered their “own” by the ruling tribal group/ regime responsible for subjugation and diminishment.

Asian-Americans should definitely take their advice from (checks notes) Ben Carson’s deputy communications advisor for his presidential campaign.

Especially all the Asian-Americans who never lived in China nor have been to Asia. That would certainly stop racist attacks against them if they apologise for something they had nothing to do with.

While we’re at it, maybe we can get all Americans to apologise for the financial meltdown under W.