
Wild New Music Video From Elise Trouw: "Man Invisible"

Targetpractice8/30/2022 11:54:56 pm PDT

So Trump demanded the search warrant released figuring it would show the FBI ginned up an excuse to “raid” MAL and instead showed he was being investigated for espionage, obstruction of justice, and violating the PRA.

Then he demanded they release the probable cause affidavit in a transparent attempt to figure out who’d ratted him out, only for the (admittedly greatly redacted) affidavit to show that he’d taken nearly 200 highly classified files with him to MAL when he ran from the WH last year.

Now he’s trying to stall for time by demanding a “special master” appointed on the laughably ridiculous claim that privileged documents were taken from MAL, only for the DOJ to file a response not only detailing how he’s been lying to their faces for months, but that the reason they grabbed his passports was because they were sitting in the same desk drawer as classified docs containing HUMINT. Why is the part about the desk important? Because alongside the lie that all the documents the NARA sought had been turned over, the paperwork Trump’s lawyer signed also included a passage that no classified documents were kept anywhere on the property but the storage room.

At this point, I can only assume his next cunning plan will be to threaten to sue Merrick Garland if he doesn’t immediately end the investigation, return all the classified documents, and issue a public apology for hurting Donny’s fee-fees.