
Shawn Colvin and John Leventhal: "Get Out of This House" (Live at WFUV)

Targetpractice9/25/2023 5:14:53 am PDT

re: #88 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Really awful coffee (for example, left on a burner or in a carafe for several hours) might be improved by adding sugar or cream.

Me? Man I drank coffee in the Navy, where frequently water cofferdams were accidentally cross-connected to JP-5 aircraft fuel storage, and the fresh water to make coffee had JP-5 in it.

Unless the coffee has poison in it, I can probably drink it.

Heh, both my folks did 20 apiece in Uncle Sam’s Canoe Club, and both have stories about the shipboard coffee and food in general. You know, the kind you can turn over the cup, pull it up, and the coffee stays in a perfect cylinder on the countertop.