
A New Live Concert by Jeff Tweedy and Wilco, Live on KEXP

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/26/2023 11:01:01 pm PST

Microsoft is such a pain.

Wanted to install VS Code on my Mac. Because my Mac is old I cannot use the latest version, but needed a version from last year.

Couldn’t find it on the VS Code website, but Google came to my rescue. Microsoft did not list in their help section the full revision number that I needed.

I install it via information Google gave me… it worked, but then I wanted to change some preferences, making the fonts larger.

Of course one had to restart the program for the changes take affect.

So I tried that… but then VS Code says it is not compatible with my version of MacOS.

Which I thought strange, as I had just run it.

Then I checked the version in my Applications folder… and all of a sudden it was the latest version.

Then I remembered how people complain about auto-updates in Microsoft Windows, so I figured that was the problem.

Microsoft auto-updates the version of VS Code without checking if the new version is compatible with my computer.

How dumb.

Why in the hell is there even an auto-update option on by default?

So I had to re-install the old version (fortunately I keep downloaded packages of software, unlike so many poorly thought out recommendations one finds by so-called experts in Youtube videos).

First thing I did was change the prefs to cancel auto-updates.

If I were King, one of the first things I’d do (after banning leaf-blowers) is to declare that no software can be auto—updated by default.