
'Proud Racist' Threatened to Blow Up Mosques

yma o hyd5/02/2009 9:29:33 am PDT

re: #80 Ringo the Gringo

An English friend of mine who lives in California now, but visits his family in Swindon a couple times each year, tells me that street fights between British youth and “Asian” youths are so common on weekend nights that his mother is afraid to go outside after dark. Last summer a friend of his was stabbed to death walking home from a pub. He wasn’t ever robbed, just stabbed. They never caught the killer.

My friend tells me that every time he goes to visit things seem worse than before.

Any Brit Lizards here, is it really as bad as he says?

Lots of stabbings - not every single one gets reported nationally.
Lots of fights every weekend because of drunkenness, encouraged by NuLabs outrageous support for 24/7 openings of pubs and such.
Its become such a fact of life that its hardly reported either, except locally.
Gang fights between ‘whites’ and ‘asians’ are definitely not being reported in the national press.

The local police are doing their best to keep thigns udner control, especially at the weekends - but lots of normal people, like your friend’s mum, and like meself, just don’t go out into town for an evening.

Its become so badin the last five, six years because of the NuLab government - they have this attitude that villains, drunkards etc are the true victims.
Normal citizens must just put up with this …