
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

DebbieSym5/29/2009 7:47:59 pm PDT

I am a moderate but I disagree with Peggy’s analysis. I think Republicans should oppose Sotomayor because of her judicial philosophy, which, it seems to me, is one of favortism over impartiality. Obama, when he was a senator, said he did not vote for John Roberts basically because he didn’t think Roberts would bring enough empathy to his decisions, didn’t have enough “heart.” Sotomayor brings a lot of heart to her judgments, which, as far as I can tell, means that she favors the poor, minorities, folks who have had to struggle. Thus, in the New Haven case, she sides not with the 19 firefighters who studied hard to pass the test and earn a promotion, but with the city, that is upset because no African American passed. In other words, she’s motivated by identity politics. There are several statements that she made that suggest she’s not fit to be on the Supreme Court.

If the Republican party wants to attract a broader base, I think they should NOT imitate the Democrats, who are all about spend-spend, tax-tax, and play favorites in the market, in the courts, in policy. I think we need to define being a Republican as someone who is interested in limited government, limited spending, limited taxation, and impartiality when it comes to just about anything. You want to know you are equal in the eyes of the law — and equal in the eyes of your government.