
Overnight Open Thread

Silvergirl8/14/2009 1:23:42 am PDT

re: #94 LudwigVanQuixote

Well, you say you dig on Gregor Cantor - his work is essential to understanding the fractals I do. What got me into them was a sense of beauty.




It is one thing to admire things like this. It is another to understand what these things mean on the complex plane and how they explain things in the world.

I would imagine that if a big league mathematician saw something in you then you are very gifted indeed.

Try finding something beautiful and just do it because it is beautiful with no other expectations.

I love the nautilus shell and the way its spiral is seen in galaxies and weather patterns and in other places in nature. I don’t know what that explains in the world, but I like to wonder about it.

Your fractal links were all visited and admired.