
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

yma o hyd8/15/2009 10:59:53 am PDT

re: #82 Occasional Reader

It is another sad day for our lads.
I was apprehensive when the news first came. They never give out the names until after the families have been informed - but they do say which unit the fallen soldiers are from - and I knew that was the one Michael Yon was embedded with.
We’ve all seen his marvellous photos, from the dispatches Charles links as threads here. I was hoping they had been safe - but no.

It is dangerous territory there, and using two bombs is something the Taleban has been doing for some time.
But what soldier would leave his wounded comrade lying there, without helping him! So they all paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Am praying for the safety of all of them - and that Michael Yon is going to be extra-doubly-trebly careful!