
Onion: 'Iron Man 2' Buzz Heats Up Over Paltrow Rumor

Gus4/20/2010 6:04:25 pm PDT

Yipee! Speaking of sentencing.

25 Years for Leader of Argentine Dictatorship

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) — The last leader of Argentina’s dictatorship on Tuesday was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his involvement in the kidnapping, torture and murder of 56 people in a clandestine concentration camp.

The official, Reynaldo Bignone, 82, was convicted along with six other former military and police officers for ordering beatings and electrocutions of dissidents of the military regime, which governed from 1976 to 1983…

Many of the junta’s top leaders are under house arrest on charges of kidnapping babies born to mothers held in captivity during military rule.

The douche bag is appealing to serve time under house arrest though. Another one. I wonder if Henry Kissinger will pay him a visit.