
National Review: God Decrees Man Should Be Armed to the Teeth

palomino1/28/2013 12:49:24 pm PST

re: #26 Kragar

Limbaugh: Obama ‘will send your women to combat’ but won’t let son ‘Trayvon’ play football

Maybe that’s because the stakes are a little higher in war. And at least some of the time, the wars we fight are necessary.

What kind of responsible parent wouldn’t at least think twice about their kid playing football, given all the recent medical data showing traumatic brain injury along the lines of, in some cases worse, than what boxers experience.

And a long boxing career is often referred to as the “equivalent of banging your head against a brick wall 100,000 times” over the course of a decade or two. (Admittedly not the most scientific description, but the results in some boxers as they age are pretty clear.)