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Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/29/2010 11:15:41 am PDT

re: #1007

I’m not accusing you of being a hypocrite. I do think that Mandy has a tendency to attempt to talk about Islam as a monolithic entity in a way that it is not, and that’s the point I was trying to make; there are Christian groups engaging in the types of activities that Mandy talked about. The Rwandan genocide was perpetrated by Christians and the Catholic church in the area was at the best rather limp in their resistance, at worst fully complicit. A very few brave Catholic clergy leaders provided refuge, but many church societies were complicit, and many priests actually helped to spur along the genocide.

Radical Islam is the largest religious problem on the face of the globe today. Of that I have no doubt. Whether it will be in fifty years, in a hundred, I have no clue. Religion is capable of very, very rapid change, and especially with so much of the Christianity in the developing world being tied to militant and revolutionary ideas, I wouldn’t want to bet against Christian radicals being the next source of terrorism.