
Sen. Lindsey Graham Says We Should Deny Bombing Suspect's Constitutional Rights

Kurt Princeton4/19/2013 2:50:34 pm PDT

re: #3 HappyWarrior

Yeah constitutional rights should go out the window just because this happened…..

Wow - Lefties have become Constitutional purists now that one of their own are in trouble. Where was the concern for the Constitution when Obama wanted to destroy the Second Amendment? Remember Nakoula Basseley Nakoula? No, of course you don’t. How about then the Obama admin threatened the Catholic Church, if they don’t pay for contraception, sterilization and abortifacient drugs for their employees?

Remember the Second Amendment? Obama has declared that he’s going to destroy that through executive orders. In 2010, Obama’s attorney general Eric Holder sought to soften Miranda protections for anyone accused of being a terrorist - a designation which includes, anti-abortion activists, gun owners, military veterans — and Ron Paul supporters.

The Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure are null and void as soon as you step into an airport, where you, your grandmother, and your infant children become subject to public sexual assault at the blue-gloved hands of Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) “workers.”

Then there’s the Fifth Amendment with Obama’s takeover of General Motors, whereupon, the first-in-line creditors and bondholders were denied the monies due them and gave them to his union supporters, thereby violating the Fifth Amendment’s last provision that no “private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Ninth and Tenth Amendments. In May 2011, the President directed his attorney general to threaten Texas with a shutdown of all air travel into and out of the state if its legislature persisted in passing a law that would hold TSA workers criminally responsible for conduct defined as sexual assault. This came a year after Obama attacked Arizona for passing state laws that supported federal immigration laws — but not Obama immigration policy.

But now that it’s someone you like in trouble, you’ve suddenly become a Constitutional purist.