
Heritage Foundation's Jim DeMint Promises More Obamacare Insanity

calochortus10/18/2013 2:32:37 pm PDT

Now here are some cogent arguments against same sex marriage brought to you by a Freeper:

Simply consider it in economic terms.

Gay marriage allows the entry of more couples into the world of marriage and thus devalues marriage much like increasing the money supply devalues the dollar.

So marriage should be rare and precious. Let’s live in sin!

A little more close to home. Think about the value of your home and the impact on that value if a married gay couple were to move in next door. How do you sell your house if your gay neighbors are visible while potential buyers are looking at the house you are attempting to sell?

OMG! People! Next door!!!11!

And in a very personal level. What if you were having difficulty with your own marriage. Will the value of your marriage increase or decrease if you know that people in your own community or even your next door neighbors are gay and are married?

Maybe you could get advice and support from a happily married couple?

Will the value of your children’s education increase or decrease if they happen to go to school with kids who have parents that are involved in gay marriages?

Will that be a distraction to the educational mission of the school?

Only when you stand out there with a sign.

What if you work for a company that offers Domestic Partner Benefits? Will inclusion of these gays on your company’s health care plan increase or decrease the cost of your insurance?

Larger pool of employees shouldn’t raise the cost. It could even drop the cost a bit.

Thanks for playing.