
"Quite Literally Demon-Possessed"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines11/22/2013 12:13:31 pm PST

re: #90 CuriousLurker

My little brother was terrified of clowns. If he’d ever seen that…


The word “coulrophobia” (“fear of clowns”) is basically an internet neologism rather than an actual clinical term, but the fear itself is very real and well documented

From wikipedia, coulrophobia (fear of clowns)

According to a psychology professor at California State University, Northridge, young children are “very reactive to a familiar body type with an unfamiliar face”. Researchers who have studied the phobia believe there is some correlation to the uncanny valley effect.

A study conducted by the University of Sheffield found that the children did not like clown dcor in the hospital or physicians’ office settings. The survey was about children’s opinions on dcor for an upcoming hospital redesign. Dr Penny Curtis, a researcher, stated “We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found the clown images to be quite frightening and unknowable.”