
Creationist Neurosurgeon Ben Carson: Legal Abortions Are Exactly Like Human Sacrifice

teleskiguy7/01/2014 8:51:12 pm PDT

re: #99 thecommodore

I don’t think Carson will win the nomination if he runs. The GOP Establishment is sane enough to realize he would be a disaster. If they weren’t, then their 2012 ticket would have been Cain/Bachmann.

They will never let another Goldwater close to the nomination.

I wouldn’t put it past this Republican Party to put up someone like Ted Cruz. Cruz, in my mind, is a very effective slithering snake-oil salesman. He’s warm enough in demeanor and earnest enough in his rhetoric that he could trick Republican primary voters to nominate him.

If that happens, the Democratic Party will most definitely win the Presidency in 2016.