
Breaking: President Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Bill - Update: Right Wing Freakout Well Under Way

Backwoods Sleuth2/24/2015 2:31:12 pm PST

re: #100 nines09

I hold the entire GOP in contempt for wishing this poison pipeline to run down the middle of our nation and possibly endanger dwindling water assets for millions of folks (citizens). For a few lousy bucks. No jobs. No cheaper prices. Nothing but a few lousy bucks. Thank YOU Mr. Obama. Fuck these dolts, and the Trans Canada can Trans Canada that pipeline on their own Trans Canadian soil. Shove off.

And not to forget language in that bill allows a foreign company to take private property via eminent domain, and also specifically indemnifies the company from any future environmental damages while saddling the landowners with any cleanup costs.

The GOP really does think Americans are that stupid.