
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Ignored Coronavirus Warnings; Pence Refused to Wear a Mask

lawhawk4/30/2020 5:40:57 am PDT

re: #18 jaunte

Howard Foreman has been posting graphs showing the cases with and without NY, NJ in the counts - and the fact that those two states are seeing declines is hiding fact that cases are rising elsewhere, particularly where there are even fewer resources available and states are lax in their stay at home orders.

I fear that the NJ and NY relaxation of the stay at home orders is too soon, and we’ll see a resurgence of cases. I also think that the relaxed orders - like NJ reopening state parks and golf courses - will get some people out and about when they shouldn’t, but most people will stay at home far longer than that. I think that’s especially true in the places that have been hardest hit, because they see and know people who have been directly affected by this.