
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

keithgabryelski11/01/2009 11:36:06 pm PST

re: #97 gaw

Look, you guys are welcome to trash me and my views all you want. You can even tell charles to pull my ticket. It just seems ironic that you trash the right wing for wanting to purge democrats from the gop while you engage in purging dissenting views from your own ranks.

Have I missed something?

I saw little bit of ridicule sent your direction about inactivity on your site, but I haven’t seen anyone try to stifle your comments.

and this “purge democrats from the gop” is the main problem — you believe this woman is a democrat, she isn’t — she is a self described moderate republican. Using the term “democrat” (in this sense) is “begging the question” of her right to exist in the Republican party.

Help me out, here:
Present some evidence your comments are being suppressed.
Present some evidence you are being purged from this site.
Present some evidence Scozzofava is a Democrat.