
Video Break: Animated Short No. 1

103 5:21:29 pm PDT

re: #47 negativ

I forgot to add that Hitchens is a “Briton” by birth but an American by choice, and Myers’ “vandalism” consists of ‘mistreating’ a communion wafer.

tl;dr background:

Oh, gawd.
To him, a cracker.
To a Catholic, the consecrated host (which this was) is the body of Christ.
From my viewpoint, attending a religious service, and getting into the communion line, and taking the consecrated host, being delivered in good faith by the Parish for the purposes of communion for the faithful, taking that host for the purpose of treating it in a way that is anathema to those who belong to that religion, doesn’t deserve your scare quotes.

It was a silly, stupid, provocative, idiotic thing to do, and it was done because he HATES those believers and what they believe.

An unconsecrated wafer is just bread.
You can buy ‘em, or make your own.
But Myers sought someone to go into a Church, during a Mass, for the purpose of taking the consecrated host. And entirely different thing. I would not show such disrespect to another faith. It’s amazing to me that disrespect to the Catholic faith is just fine with some of you folks; but God forbid anyone show any disrespect for Islam.