
Anti-Islam Bigots Are Putting US Troops in Danger

TedStriker9/06/2010 3:28:07 pm PDT

re: #82 Gus 802

Looks like the Petraeus honeymoon is over with the wingnuts. I knew that was coming. There’s something about the general that led me to believe this. That he’s far to reasonable of a man to fit in with the far-right preconceptions of military leaders which is usually fit for comic books.

What the wingnuts conveniently forget is that a career military man and flag officer like General Petraeus, while serving in his command at the pleasure of the President and the Pentagon muckety-mucks, should have the men under his command and their mission as his most important responsibility, not stateside politics. I think he was right to call out the “Burn a Koran Day” assholes out, because it could conceivably make his job in Afghanistan (and those of his troops) much harder.

Nevertheless, those strident right-wing wingnuts who defended him against the MoveOn “General Betrayus” shit are now throwing him under their own demented bus…ironic, ain’t it?