
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

103 1:25:51 pm PDT

re: #101 jamesfirecat

This just in three (one for procedural reason) democrats voting against with 56 voting for is the same as all 41 Republicans voting against!

Sorry Reine but this comes across as MAJOR MBF for it.

And how are the democrats playing procedural games?

I agreed with Lawhawk, he explains it better than I do (but of course, I’m a better target).
See Lawhawks:
re: #39 lawhawk

More procedural games and worthy legislation gets stuck in procedural hell in the process.

That includes the Zadroga 9/11 Ground Zero worker legislation (which was the source of the Weiner rant posted above).

Democrats deserve the scorn for attaching DADT and the immigration bills to the defense bill (which would have ordinarily passed without much notice). GOP deserves scorn for blocking the repeal of DADT and the immigration provision.