
Open Thread, w/ Message to Haters

Birth Control Works1/23/2011 11:25:37 am PST

re: #89 ClaudeMonet

I assume that’s because you’re an educated person who is used to thinking independently. Or at the very least, an ornery, independent type.

Education often lies in helping the uneducated work it out in their own minds. Most but not all academics I’ve met would rather be TELL people, forgetting that people’s lives are not like the classroom, where there are often fixed, known correct answers.

Obdicut, obviously your parents are a welcome exception. In my perfect world, every person with a college education would be required to spend at least one year out of each ten in the field, working with real people.

Academics are not often trained teachers. They don’t actually know how to teach—they rely on a class of students who are able and motivated to learn.