
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/18/2011 6:15:43 pm PDT

re: #99 windsagio

I think there are pressures inside those established political families that we can’t really understand.

He’s gotta feel SO much pressure to become president no matter what, but he keeps getting his ass primaried.

I think so too. Believe I read his father’s national ambitions were ruined after he said he was brainwashed to have supported Vietnam. Now, from what I read it was taken a little out of context but it’s a soundbyte world. From what I’ve read on the elder Romney, I like him more than his son. Seemed like a guy who cared more about what was right than appealing to a fringe element. Plus, I think my grandfather probably knew him sine his job at the NLRB dealt with GM alot and I know for a fact he knew Walter Reuther of UAW fame.