
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Brigman9/08/2009 11:29:04 am PDT

I’m not a regular poster, but I read this site everyday.

The earth cools and it warms up - it has done so since the beginning. When the dinosaurs ruled the earth, with their enormous bodies breathing out CO2 and the piles of crap giving off methane for 165 million years, it took a fricking meteor from space to wipe them out, or a gigantic volcanic eruption - but certainly not rising sea levels and hurricanes. The biggest cause of Man-Made GHG in our time comes from farming animals - Cows and pigs, not T-Rexes and Brachios.

With El Nino, Solar Flares, Volcanic Eruptions, Shifting Plates etc., Man-Made causes amount to a bucket of water in an ocean of Climate Change factors. Sure it technically adds to the reasons why, but if you eliminate mankind and it’s contributions - the Earth would not even know the difference.

The video describes El Nino, Man-Made GW and a “dose of chance” as the reasons for global warming. WTF is a “dose of chance”? The video also says Patrick Michaels is a servant to a “secret list of corporate clients” Oooo, a secret list!!! WTF?

It’s such a tell-tale sign when the left is behind a cause - it’s rooted in narcissism - it’s all about ME ME ME. “I’m living now so it must have never happened before. It’s up to us! We are the change we’ve been waiting for! We’ve been messing up the planet since the industrial revolution” Look around you, you are a flea on the ass of Mammoth. And by duping people into believing this crap you tend to gain millions and millions of dollars by scaring people into buying carbon offsets, isn’t that right Mr. Vice President Gore? Carbon offsets. They remind me of those ads that tried to get you to buy your high school girlfriend a star in the sky and have it named after her.

You want to worry about something - how about a Robot Uprising and the eventual self-awareness of Artificial Intelligence. Oops, I just outed myself as a nutjob. How about this, they should get rid of designated hitter in baseball too!