
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/21/2010 10:06:58 am PDT

re: #1023 Aceofwhat?

nothing to disagree with there. that’s still quite different than saying it’s like a dude who wants to kill me because his god and his church leaders told him to.

I agree it’s different. I still think that they’re similar. They’re both doctrines that are hostile to our society and need to be restrained. And frankly, I think there’s a far greater long-term threat to our society from unrestrained capitalists like the CEO of the Massey mine, the BP people making this decision, the tobacco industry, etc. than there is from violent— excuse me, radical— Islam.

This spill is going to cost far more lives than have already been lost, in terms of how much money is lost from the disaster. This is the Pratchett-Moist calculation. If you don’t get that last bit, it’s from a book where a petty thief and con-man is informed by a Golem that he’s killed 2.7 people through his thefts and crimes, that he’s never killed, but he’s hastened death and made people unable to buy what they need to be healthy and survive.