
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

realwest2/13/2009 9:34:29 pm PST

re: #933 jcm
Well hello there jcm! I gather you had one helluva day, eh? LOL!
Hey, if it makes you feel any better at all, I’ve now e-mailed Michael Steele the new head of the RNC, twice, and have received two repies - neither one a form response. The first one was about the stealth health provision and how I want The Three Stooges drummed out of our party. His polite repsonse was that he didn’t have the authority to tell someone to remove the (R) after their name. The second one was to the effect that he’s been busily raising dough for the RNC (which - he said and I don’t know if it’s true or not - raised more money than McCain did for the last election) and that he intends to spend that money judiciously - as in that district in NY that has always been Republican but twice elected that Dem woman who is going to get Hillary’s seat and the other was some House member in Virginia who’s name I’ve forgotten). So it looks to me as if he already has a “target list” of seats the Repub’s can pick up in the House - he didn’t mention Senate races.
And to top it all off, he called me by my real first name and signed it, “Michael”!
So there is someone in the Republican Party you can reach and get a response from. Specter responded that he only helps folks who live in Pennsylvania - so I replied perhaps he should refer to himself as Arlen Specter (R for PA ONLY) and drop the US Senator from his name.
Collins and Snowe never even sent me a form letter response.