
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

gegenkritik4/20/2009 5:40:01 pm PDT

re: #1010 Thanos

I think neo nazi is very fitting, as they follow the extreme right ideology very closely, there is still infighting in the party over overt anti-semitism vs. keeping it under wraps, and the ones who are against overt anti-semitism are that way only because they’ve replaced “jew” with “muslim” in their ideology of hatred. Sure they wear suits, but you can bet many of them still have nazi periphernalia around their homes.

Yes, there is of course still a lot of anti-semitism in their ideology. But the main-characteristic of National-Socialism is a suicidal-like behavior, that projects abstract things at concrete persons and thus forms an “image of a Jew” - which the Nazi tries to destruct with murdering Jews, even at the cost of his own life (that’s why, jihadist suicide-bombers are the only ones to whom the term (Islam)-Nazi - except from real Nazis - fits).
Racists like VB do not necessarily promote genocide (though, they do not exclude this), but separation, “racial purity” and deportation of Muslims into islamic countries.
They do not necessarily want to kill every Muslim and not give their own life for it.
Though, I agree with you, that there are certainly more NS-elements in the BNP than in VB.