
Obama Health Care Town Hall Meeting

Kenneth8/11/2009 12:02:30 pm PDT

The argument over the “death panel” is a bit of a red herring. It doesn’t matter whether the final bill, and we haven’t seen the final bill yet, includes provisions for such a panel or panels. What does matter is this: when the healthcare you can obtain is dictated by a state-run system, limited resources will be rationed. Patient will be triaged. Waiting lists for treatment will grow. Less important patients will be bumped down the list.

Last fall, up here in Canada, my 78 year old mother was bumped down the list for surgery on a tumor on her pancreas. Morning after morning she was scheduled for surgery, given nothing to eat for 12 hours, then bumped down the list again. This went on for 4 fucking weeks before she got her operation! By then the tumor had spread. There wasn’t much they could do but give her pain-killers for the last few weeks of her life. Even that they screwed up until we pushed and harangued the doctors to give her something better that would kill the pain without making her sick. She died in February. If she could have gotten prompt diagnosis -that too was delayed by waiting lists- and then prompt treatment, she might still be with us.

Do you want to loose control of your own choices for your healthcare? While simultaneously lowering the quality of that care? And paying more taxes for it?

The argument for universal healthcare is that there are far too many people without coverage and they are suffering. Very true. Something needs to be done to fix that problem. But tell me this: do you believe this is the president and this is the congress that are competent and honest and capable enough to find the best solution to that problem? Are the plans they have proposed so far going to do it? What’s your confidence level?