
Martin Sheen's Powerful GOTV Message: "Where the Mind Is Without Fear"

Jay C11/07/2016 4:15:48 pm PST

re: #53 majii

“I don’t remember what derp he was peddling back then but it wasn’t much better than this organic fertilizer.”

I have no idea why some right-leaning writers seem to think there were no single-parent households, no abortion, and no divorces before the mid-20th Century. I recall knowing about these things when I was growing up in the 1950s and early 1960s. I specifically remember the time when my mom asked me to help an elderly neighbor pack up her things because she was moving into an elderly care facility. She was a well-educated, well-known and well-regarded member of our community. While I was packing some of her possessions, I ran across material on performing abortions. Now, I don’t know if she’d had one, or if she had performed them at some time in the past, but I remember reading the materials she had on the subject. I was about 11 or 12 at the time. I also recall that some women in our general neighborhood at the time were also single parents, and I remember some couples getting divorces. In addition to these, I remember having contact with LGBTQ persons who lived in my city. Some of them were very active in local churches and were pianists and vocalists who were welcomed in every church. Some people live very sheltered lives, it seems.

While he doesn’t usually spell it out directly, I get the feeling from reading Dreher’s (and some of his RR compatriots’) screeds that while he realizes that single parents, gay people, divorce, abortions, etc. existed back in The Good Old Days, what they really miss is the societal structure that allowed/expected “decent folks” to shame, shun, and blackball said “deviants” so as to maintain that “godly” society wingers like Dreher exalt so much. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people give a sh(t about the stuck-up self-righteousness of the moralizers, and that’s what Dreher and his pals really can’t stand….