
Fox News Uses Fake "Swedish Security Adviser" With Criminal Record to Hype Trump's Fake Swedish Terror Attack

TedStriker2/25/2017 12:54:25 pm PST

re: #53 Moebym

Oh, boy…

Sorry Jennifer. No healing possible when the same ole crap is going to happen. We need a real progressive to lead.

— Bill Disch (@WHDISCH) February 25, 2017

Another fucking purity pony Bro…fuck them, they helped to give us Trump, and for that, I’ll never miss an opportunity to rub their goddamn noses in it. Because, even if they’re too damn smug and/or dense to understand, their asses are in the fire too, as much as anyone else’s.

I’m also not gonna refrain from posting this righteous rant by Steve Shives (whose Star Trek: TNG-themed YT clip, “Why Captain Jellico Is Actually Pretty Awesome”, I’ve posted before), because it applies as much to BoBers like this as it does to the Trumpiots who are starting to get their own oxen gored:

To Anti-SJWs Finally Turning on Trump