
Tonight in the Shitshow: Trump Threatens to Sue Steve Bannon for Defamation

allegro1/03/2018 9:36:51 pm PST

All these years in the humid sub-tropics of Houston made me forget the joys of electrified long hairā€¦ until now in the unusual dryness of arctic winter. Itā€™s like my head is at the center of one of theseā€¦

My hairs have life and are sticking to objects like pillows and walls. Crackling and alive. Clinging to my face in a quite annoying manner. Pony tail holders are not enough to prevent the hairs from wrapping around my own neck, perchance to squeeze in evil intent. Seeking out the cats trying only to snuggle who are all WTF are these fine white tendrils attempting to extract my feline essence. Mom, fetch the coconut oil now to neutralize the force!

Itā€™s one of those nights.