
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Hickenlooper

lawhawk3/06/2019 6:09:01 am PST

So Gayle King interviewed R. Kelly this morning. It was predictable.

R Kelly thinks that revealing himself to be a bully and aggressive and angry is somehow going to help his case when he’s accused of sexually assaulting young girls. And it went downhill from there:

The second part of King and Kelly’s interview contained more shocking moments, in which King asks about Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage, two women who currently live with Kelly and whose parents have publicly claimed are being held against their will.

Kelly claimed that Clary and Savage’s parents “sold” their daughters to him, and that they were irresponsible when they brought their daughters to his concerts, where he first met both women.

“What kind of father, what kind of mother, would sell their daughter to a man?” he said. “How come it was OK for me to see them until they wasn’t getting no money from me? If I was gonna take my 19-year-old daughter to (the concert of) a 49-year-old icon, celebrity, whatever, I’m not gonna put her on the stage and leave her… Their fathers know more about my music than they do.”