
John Oliver: Three Stories That Are Really One: RNC 2020, Kenosha, and the Sports Strike

A Mom Anon8/31/2020 12:36:56 pm PDT

re: #97 Sherlock Hound

Because it’s SO easy to just pack up and buy a farm. Hell, most people can’t even afford to relocate unless there is a guaranteed well paying job waiting for them. Upward mobility is hard for everyone except wealthy people and it’s been that way for a long ass time now.

If I could move to a more rural place with an affordable home and a little land, I would LOVE it. But I can’t. And it’s not because I’m lazy or didn’t plan my life right. You can plan the fuck out of your life and still get shithammered by life’s bullshit. And let’s just say you want to move and stay in the US. Where the fuck do you go that’s not bugfuck stupid now?